
PR-2023: PANEL DISCUSSION 3. China – U.S.: Competition, Interdependence, Global Context

The U.S.-China competition is#nbsp;becoming protracted, and the consequences of#nbsp;this confrontation are spreading to#nbsp;many spheres of#nbsp;the world economy and politics. As#nbsp;mutual political trust between the two countries decreases, the threat of#nbsp;military conflict is#nbsp;growing. What can Washington and Beijing do#nbsp;to#nbsp;maintain peace and stability in#nbsp;Pacific Asia? The volume of#nbsp;trade between the U.S. and China, which had grown enormously over several decades, began to#nbsp;decline in#nbsp;2023. Does this mean a#nbsp;retreat of#nbsp;economic rationality under the pressure from geopolitical goals? The initial premise of#nbsp;the "trade war" was the expectation that China was too dependent on#nbsp;export markets and would therefore be#nbsp;forced to#nbsp;accept American demands. The Western policy of "decoupling" and "risk reduction" have been accompanied by#nbsp;an#nbsp;expansion in#nbsp;the use of#nbsp;trade barriers and technological bans. If#nbsp;the world moves towards a#nbsp;new bipolarity, what will happen to#nbsp;the global economy, how inevitable is#nbsp;the prospect of#nbsp;the emergence of#nbsp;parallel production systems, standards and markets? Are the U.S. and China ready to#nbsp;become leaders of#nbsp;two rival blocs?
Moderator#nbsp;— Sergey Ryabkov, Deputy Minister of#nbsp;Foreign Affairs of#nbsp;the Russian Federation

Zhang Yuyan, Director of#nbsp;the Institute of#nbsp;World Economics and Politics (IWEP), Chinese Academy of#nbsp;Social Sciences (CASS), China (online)

Robert Legvold, Professor Emeritus of#nbsp;the Department of#nbsp;Political Science, Columbia University, USA (online)

Li#nbsp;Yongquan, Chairman of#nbsp;the All-China Association for the Study of#nbsp;Russia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Director of#nbsp;the Institute of#nbsp;Social Development of#nbsp;Europe and Asia of#nbsp;the Development Research Center of#nbsp;the State Council of#nbsp;the PRC, China

Sergey Kislitsyn, Acting Director of#nbsp;the Institute for the#nbsp;US and Canadian Studies, Russian Academy of#nbsp;Sciences

Alexander Lomanov, Deputy Director for Scientific Work of#nbsp;Primakov Institute of#nbsp;World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO)
2023-11-28 12:55 2023