
PR-2023: PANEL DISCUSSION 5. "Russia-Africa: From Program Guidelines to Cooperation Practices"

In#nbsp;2023, the second Russia-Africa summit was held, at#nbsp;which issues of#nbsp;political, economic and humanitarian cooperation between Russia and Africa in#nbsp;the era of#nbsp;the formation of#nbsp;a#nbsp;new world order were discussed. Both Russia and Africa have an#nbsp;understanding that in#nbsp;order to#nbsp;truly liberate themselves from colonial dependence and defend their own sovereignty, as#nbsp;well as#nbsp;to#nbsp;ensure security in#nbsp;the broad sense of#nbsp;the word, it#nbsp;is#nbsp;necessary not only to#nbsp;transfer our cooperation to#nbsp;a#nbsp;new strategic level, but also to#nbsp;move from general declarations to#nbsp;a#nbsp;concrete step-by-step plan for the implementation of#nbsp;all the tasks we#nbsp;have set. What areas of#nbsp;cooperation between Russia and Africa will ensure accelerated growth of#nbsp;our economies? What mechanisms and instruments of#nbsp;our interaction should be#nbsp;developed first? Can we#nbsp;jointly resist illegitimate sanctions and other forms of#nbsp;pressure from the collective West? What new areas of#nbsp;cooperation could be#nbsp;of#nbsp;most interest to#nbsp;our states? How important is#nbsp;the humanitarian component of#nbsp;Russian-African relations?
Moderator#nbsp;— Irina Abramova, Director of#nbsp;the Institute of#nbsp;Africa of#nbsp;the Russian Academy of#nbsp;Sciences

Mikhail Bogdanov, Deputy Minister of#nbsp;Foreign Affairs of#nbsp;the Russian Federation

Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, President of#nbsp;Uganda (online)

Thabo Mbeki, South African politician, the second President of#nbsp;the Republic of#nbsp;South Africa (1999−2008)

Ibrahim Kamel, Founder and Chairman of#nbsp;KATO Investment, Egypt

Mustafa Bello, Founder and Chairman of#nbsp;the Mustafa Bello Foundation for Small Enterprise Development, former Minister of#nbsp;Commerce of#nbsp;the Federal Republic of#nbsp;Nigeria (1999−2002)

Siroj Loikov, First Deputy CEO, Member of#nbsp;the Board of#nbsp;Directors, PJSC PhosAgro

Andrey Severilov, Chairman of#nbsp;the Board of#nbsp;Directors of#nbsp;FESCO Transportation Group
2023-11-28 12:57 2023